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40% subsidy for securing your premises

To protect your business against burglaries from the outside, your business may qualify for aid covering 40% of the cost of an alarm system, a mechanical security system (...)

(Updated 15/05/2022)

Brussels Investments

Helping your food production or processing plant to meet the standards

Aid of up to 40 %, calculated on the basis of the investments made, is granted by the Brussels Capital Region to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises that make investments in order to comply with the standards set by the European Community (...)

(updated on 01/05/2022)

Brussels Investments

40% premium for your investments in material that promotes your circular activity

The premium is intended for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises active in certain sectors whose corporate purpose is to carry out circular activities. The equipment purchased must (...)

(added on 15/03/2022)

Brussels Investments

5,000 € bonus to develop your website or e-commerce platform

The Brussels-Capital Region grants aid of 40 to 60% to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises that call on the services of an external consultant for (...)

(added on 15/03/2022)

Brussels Investments

Up to 80,000 euros premium for your obligatory investments in case of neighbourhood nuisance, polluted sites or for your plantings, roofs and green facades

Your company can benefit from a 40% bonus if your investment is required by a judicial or administrative decision, standard or permit, if it relates to any of the following (...)

(added on 01/03/2022)

Brussels Investments

Order form ? Bill of sale? Think before you sign! (Brussels)

It is absolutely necessary to submit a subsidy file 30 days before signing material and work orders. On the other hand, in the case of an investment in real estate, the purchase of land or a building, the subsidy file can be submitted 30 days before the signing of the purchase deed! (...)

(updated on 26/02/2019)

Brussels Investments

Investment grants, covering up to 30% of the invested amount

If you invest in the Brussels-Capital Region, you can apply for assistance of up to 30% of the invested amount for investments in real estate, equipment, construction, accessories and commercial vehicles.

The investment must be in the creation of a new establishment or the extension of an existing establishment, diversification of your production into new product markets, or a fundamental change in your production processes. (...)

(updated on 26/02/2019)

Brussels Investments

Leasing financier subsidié par la Région bruxelloise

The purchase of your business equipment, furniture, real estate or company car in the form of a lease is subsidised by the Brussels-Capital Region under certain conditions:

- In all cases, the goods purchased in the form of a lease must be used for five years by the company applying for the subsidy, which is based in Brussels from (...)

(updated on 26/02/2019)

Brussels Investments

Aide à l’investissement jusqu'à 50% pour entreprises “starters”

Toute entreprise (à l’exception des grandes entreprises et de quelques activités) dont le siège d’exploitation est situé à Bruxelles et immatriculée à la Banque Carrefour des Entreprises depuis moins de quatre ans peut introduire une demande d’aide à l’investissement dans le cadre de sa création et bénéficier d’un subside jusqu’à (...)

(Mis à jour le 27/03/2018)

Brussels Investments

Prime de 75 % pour la restauration du « petit patrimoine » bruxellois

De façon générale, les nombreux éléments qui améliorent les façades et les jardinets des maisons bruxelloises composent ce que l’on appelle le « petit patrimoine ». Discrets ou plus présents, ces éléments, qui caractérisent l’aspect d’un immeuble et lui confèrent son originalité, enrichissent l’espace public et, (...)

(mis à jour le 21/09/2016)

Brussels Investments

Mesures de crise pour les entrepreneurs et commerçants bruxellois

Aide aux investissements généraux : une anticipation de la liquidation des tranches 2016 des primes sans attendre la « date anniversaire de la décision » est appliquée automatiquement à tout indépendant ou PME qui (...) 

(mis à jour le 29/06/16)

Brussels Investments

Est-ce qu'il est temps pour embellir votre façade?

Les travaux d'embellissement de façade sur des bâtiments de plus de 25 ans peuvent être subsidiés jusqu'à 85% des travaux. Il faut qu'au moins deux tiers du bâtiment soient affectés à du logement. Peut bénéficier de cette prime (...)

(mis à jour le 15/10/2015)

Brussels Investments

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Since 1994, Deucalion has been assisting Belgian companies in their relations with the Flemish, Walloon, Brussels and European authorities. Our clients often carry out investment projects, or projects with an innovative or ecological character, and they are looking for support from the authorities. As a privileged partner, Deucalion makes sure that the communication between the company and the authorities runs smoothly.


More specifically, Deucalion has been the Belgian market leader for 25 years in subsidy advice, where it mediates for large, medium-sized and small companies in the Flemish, Walloon and Brussels-Capital Regions. This means that Deucalion can also develop the following activities for your company:(...)